Overview of the awrinfo.sql script and its purpose within Oracle databases.

This script is used to gather information and generate reports on various aspects of the Automatic Workload Repository (AWR), which is a built-in Oracle feature that collects and stores performance-related data for the purpose of monitoring and diagnosing database performance issues.

Key points from your description:

  1. Location of Script: The awrinfo.sql script is typically found in the $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin directory. This is where Oracle stores various administrative scripts.
  2. Functionality: The awrinfo.sql script provides insights into different areas of AWR and database performance, including ADDM information, AWR retention settings, snapshot size estimates, oldest non-baseline snapshots, SYSAUX space usage, and more.
  3. AWR Retention Settings: One of the most important aspects of the script is its ability to help manage the retention period for AWR data. This is crucial for ensuring that you have enough space in the SYSAUX tablespace to store historical performance data over an appropriate period.
  4. Data Retention: Proper data retention is important for tasks like predictive modeling and long-term trend analysis. The script enables database administrators to adjust the AWR retention period based on the specific analysis and reporting needs.
  5. Selective Truncation: The script’s documentation advises being cautious when managing AWR tables. While you may want to truncate certain data, you should be mindful to retain “major” statistics that are crucial for long-term performance trend analysis.
  6. SYSAUX Tablespace: The SYSAUX tablespace holds various Oracle-related data, including AWR data. Proper management of this tablespace is essential for overall database performance.

Overall, the awrinfo.sql script serves as a valuable tool for database administrators to understand and manage the performance data collected by the AWR feature in Oracle databases. It helps in making informed decisions about retention, data management, and performance analysis.

Harshad Vengurlekar

Experienced OCM-certified Oracle Database Administrator with over 18 years of expertise in designing, implementing, and managing complex database solutions. My expertise spans performance optimization, security, and high-stakes solution implementation. Adept at managing complex environments with precision.

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